General stats

Number of payments (alltime)0
Number of payments (yesterday)0
Avarage payment (yesterday)0.00000000 LTC
Total donated to the pool0.00000000 LTC
Total fees payed0.00000000 LTC
Total paid (including fees)0.00000000 LTC
Total accumulated0.44881200 LTC
Scheduled for payout today0.29778000 LTC

Latest donations

Transaction IDAmountDate

Latest payments

Transaction IDTotal amountFeeDate
Donation address (BTC): 19ZZ8DZsb5qgchuKPZWET7Uj8rDoj4KgmB
Avarage payment: 0.00021000 LTC | Faucet's pool: 9.30361776 LTC | Already gave away (all time): 0.00000000 LTC | Server time: 2020-04-26 08:29:20